
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Amanda Reborn Baby
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.3

A lil at a time

Ok so I am trying to stick to my "Do some reborning & blog about it everyday" resolution, but today was hard. I am still not feeling well but I managed to put baby Amanda together. I am not up for her photoshoot tonight, but there is always tomorrow.

Be Blessed

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Ashton reborn baby for sale
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.3

Doll parts

Today I feel absolutely yucky! I am home sick in bed staring at a baby that I want to complete. I hate spending so much time at home and not having anything to show for it. I have been home sick for the past few days due to a bad asthma flare.  I managed to organize my embroidery threads (they have been in boxes & bags since I moved last April), and count out my reborn kits. So far I have located 7 kits,  various reborn parts, and just over 300 spools of thread. My mind has been busy with the thoughts of initiating new projects, but my body is saying lay down.

For years people have told me how talented I am, and that I shouldn't be working for anyone else. Funny thing is that talent only gets you part of the way. I am learning that when you open a business (especially a web based business), you have to have a lot of bread crumbs leading to your site. Otherwise your customers will never find you. I adore reborning and embroidery, so this year my focus is to make it my full means of income.

I must lay down. My asthma is flaring again, so I must attend to it. Especially since I have all of these doll parts laid out. A call to 911 might land me in the insane asylum